About finding another job within 3 months of quitting previous job

I’ve been trying to call Immigration to ask them the following but haven’t been able to connect due to the lines being busy. I know that you have to find a job within 3 months of quitting your last one, but does anyone know if that job can be a part time job? Does it just have to be any kind of work as long as it falls within your visa type, and would you just have to make sure you have a job that sponsors your visa as usual by the time of your next renewal? Just want to confirm if I need to find another full time job or if a part time job could suffice.

  1. Yes, it may depend on visa type but you should be able to take a part time job that falls within your visa.

    This comes up often and basically DURING your status of residence they don’t care so much as long as you’re not unemployed the whole time. When you renew, that’s when they start scrutinizing things more, though some people have managed to renew part time assuming they make enough to support themselves.

  2. Actively job hunting in Japan (applying for jobs, attending interviews etc) = actively engaging in your Status of residency.

    What that means is job hunting is considered the same as working, so no “3 month rule”.

    Just make sure you continue to pay all taxes and national health insurance and national pension. Or apply for exemptions.

    For part-time work make sure you get the correct permissions from immigration if required.

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