Should I go to the police?

The person who introduced me to my ex is having issues with me. After I asked to stop interfering in our relationship, she took it personal and so I blocked her and continued with the relationship for a while. since I cut her off, we have met twice on different occassions in which she tried talking to me. I made it clear that I dont want anything to do with her and poured her drink on me. I walked away. I met her at another club recently and she started abusing me while I just ignored her. It almost turned physical as she kept touching me.

My fear is that if she continues doing this, I may react and it won\`t end well. This is because we meet mostly in places where I may be under influence which might make me react. I also don\`t want to miss out on parties just because I suspect she might be attending (mutual friends).

What options should I explore?

I want to report the matter to the police just in case she attacks in the future.

We are both not Japanese if this will help.


  1. Wait… so you want to call the cops because you’re afraid *you* might smack her for being annoying when *you’re* drunk?

    Sounds like *she’s* not the problem here.

  2. I dunno the whole story but why don’t you talk to your mutual friends about her behavior? Maybe they agree and her invites will dry up. Or yours will and maybe that’s for the best.

  3. Go to different places man. As long as she’s not specifically stalking you, it’s just a nasty or bitter person you need to avoid.

    There are an insane number of places to go out. Might be a good opportunity for you.

  4. I think the best option is a good old “self deportation” before things escalate and land you in jaillll

  5. The others are right, go to new places. This a huuuuuge city, expand your horizons for a few months. Time heals all wacky people (mostly).

  6. > I made it clear that I dont want anything to do with her and poured her drink on me.

    Interesting way to punctuate that, pour her drink on yourself. Sounds embarrassing.

  7. Maybe I will get downvoted commenting this.

    Don’t go to clubs, buy your alcohol and drink it in your apartment

  8. Just ignore her, like she doesn’t exist at all. Hysterics are everywhere.

    And for your part, if you say that you can react badly when you’re “under the influence”, perhaps you should also look at yourself for a possible self-control problem.

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