Listening and Speaking after Pimsleur

I’m really enjoying Pimsleur’s format but am looking towards the future.

I’ve picked up Japanese for Busy People for Written, Grammar, and some Kanji. But I recognize I’m going to get through Pimsleur in 5 months – is there another similar system for more intermediate Japanese?

  1. Is Pimsleur your entry into Japanese?

    I did French 1, 2, 3 and Spanish 1, and tried a bit of Korean, Japanese, and Mandarin. Personally, the program doesn’t work as well for the East Asian languages for some reason, especially the first two. Not that French or Spanish is any less complicated, but perhaps they are both more similar to English?

    Perhaps these languages don’t lend themselves well to the Pimsleur method. Like, with French, I can see myself being able to speak decent basic French by just acquiring more vocabulary. But that isn’t the case with Japanese, especially with its endless sentence patterns and all.

    I can’t comment much about resources, since I’ve always gone the traditional route of going for in=person classes, but maybe you can check the wiki for recommendation?

  2. There isn’t as far as I know. But I’ll say that every new resource always seems great in the beginning. Wait after you have done the same thing every day for 5 months and decide what’s best for you then.

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