Overseas travel and Rakuten credit card

I’ve been wanting to visit home for the holidays so I tried to purchase a plane ticket through Delta’s website using my Rakuten card, but my payment isn’t going through. I do have enough money and I’m not anywhere near my limit, so it’s a bit odd to me. I plan on trying to contact Rakuten first thing tomorrow, but I just want to read some advice if any of you have any. I also did set up the 3D secure verification, so that may not be the issue.

Also, just to try some additional options, are there any websites you used to buy international plane tickets using a Rakuten credit card? Thank you in advance.

  1. My partner also tried to use his Rakuten card and it was rejected. Ended up using his Amazon card instead.

  2. Do you have PayPal setup? I could buy through PayPal linked to my Rakuten card.

    And I’d suggest to double check in the Rakuten app whether you really do have 3D secure properly set up and active or not.

  3. I flew Delta a couple of years ago, and I’m 99% sure I used my Rakuten card to pay for the tickets. It’s possible something changed in their payment system since that time, but more likely, your purchase is simply being flagged as suspicious by Rakuten’s anti-fraud algorithms. If you call their customer support, they should be able to quickly resolve it.

    >Also, just to try some additional options, are there any websites you used to buy international plane tickets using a Rakuten credit card?

    As a general rule, it’s always better to purchase your tickets directly from the airline. If you purchase though a third party and any issue with your flight arises (itinerary change, cancelled flight, etc.), you’ll have to work everything out using the third party as a middleman, rather than letting the airline quickly fix it.

  4. I hope so, and I’ll call them as soon as they open. I remember reading a post from about a month or so ago about someone unable to purchase tickets, so it maybe a recent change to the algorithms.

    You make a fair point. The third parties are nice for domestic travel, but I shouldn’t risk it for a significantly more expensive trip. I’ll hold onto that advice.

  5. I was rejected for the first time in close to a decade when trying to purchase a very very overpriced flight ticket a few months back – I just called them and they immediately allowed purchase until midnight.

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