Finished Anki decks for Tango N5, N4 and N3. Also 3000 words from the Core 10k, what could I do next?

Hello everyone! I’ve been studying Japanese since mid 2018. I’ve taken a couple of breaks, but since March of 2020, I have not stopped, and I’ve studied daily with Anki. I just finished the Tango N3 deck (a monumental task, since it was over 3500 flashcards). I will continue to review it daily, just like I’ve been doing with the N4 and N5 decks since finishing them several months ago. I also have covered 3000 out of the 10000 words from the Core10k deck and sentenced mined and studied my way through Genki I and II and I am doing the same with An Integrated Approach To Intermediate Japanese. I am at around the N3 level (just polishing the grammar part by sentence mining and studying the grammar points from AIATIJ), and I was wondering what the next step was.

Has anyone done the Tango N2 deck to completion?

I bought the first 4 Tango books from the series and got the decks from u/Nukemarine (the books by themselves are not quite useful, but with the decks, they’re ideal for self-studying), and I already have the N2 deck ready to go, but this one is an even longer commitment at 6500 flashcards).

Also, pro-tip: sells the Tango books for around US$8.00. More than enough to show proof of ownership and get the Anki decks from u/Nukemarine. It’s cheaper than buying the physical books (Which is what I did at first to show proof of ownership, but subsequently, sold them on eBay and used the money to buy the digital Amazon Kindle versions off of the Japanese Amazon website).

Anyways, I thank you all for your input and take on what to tackle next.

  1. Just browse the internet in Japanese. Entertain yourself with Japanese media. You’ve done more than enough textbook/for-learners style learning imo.

  2. You’re ahead of me, but from what I’ve heard from people it’s just immersing from that point. You have a damn solid base.

  3. Not exactly related, but when do you think a deck is considered to be “completed”? When all the cards have no reviews for a year+ or something?

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