Battle Autumn night 16 November 5th card

Battle Autumn night 16 November 5th card

  1. * The Jr Tag title match is genuinely the most excited I’ve been for a match in a while
    * I’m leaning SANADA & ZSJ winning and going to WK, but I’m not sold on that. Props to the company for making the semis unpredictable.
    * Please have FTR drop the titles
    * Wasn’t fan of the G1 match, but I’ve loved Ospreay & Naito in the tag matches, so looking forward to seeing them try again
    * First show with all of the United Empire featured
    * My boy Yujiro is getting a singles match

    Looking forward to tomorrow.

  2. This “champion doesn’t show up until the final night of the tour” thing needs to stop. The entire build to Naito/Ospreay has been Naito challenging him at the end of Burning Spirit and then Naito beating Zack at RQ. Naito has been goofing around with Gideon this entire tour, so my excitement for this match is pretty low.

    I can’t wait for FTR to get zero reaction from the crowd, pin GoK clean, and then disappear until WK.

  3. Top to bottom, this is one of the best-looking cards they’ve put together all year. Imagine if we had a legitimate Never openweight singles match instead of a Yujiro singles match.

    Either way, this is the first show since the G1 where I’ll be executing my live-watching system (drink heavily, pass out early, set rooster sound alarm volume to max, wake up, binge coffee, ignore family).

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