Finished Genki 2, looking for my next textbook

Hi! This is my first post here so hopefully this is okay.

I’ve been taking private Japanese lessons for about a year now and my teacher and I are about to finish Genki 2. My original plan was to move on to Quartet which seems to be the fan favorite for Genki learners.

However, about half way through this year, I switched from a native English speaking teacher to a native Japanese speaking teacher. She’s wonderful and I feel like she’s helping me improve my Japanese so much. But she does have trouble with the Genki text because of the English level in it. It really seems made for English speakers to teach other English speakers.

So I was wondering what the community’s opinion on other textbooks might be for post-Genki 2. Maybe something that would be easier for my teacher? I also do some self-study so something that I could vaguely teach myself would be good too.

I think I’m asking a bit for the impossible here but everybody here seems to know a lot of resources so hopefully you can help!

Thank you!

  1. Just curious but did you discuss this with your teacher?

    I ask because many teachers have their own preferences — often they already have extensive extra materials (lessons, grammar pointers, etc.) pre-prepared for certain textbooks.

    E.g. my own teacher (native Japanese) practically memorized the Genki series because she’s been teaching with them for so long — and she prefers Quartet for intermediate Japanese. She probably would oblige me if I wanted to use another textbook but likely not the ideal situation.

  2. Tobira is pretty good, I think it has practice exchanges in it as well that would go well in a teaching environment. It also teaches lots of cultural stuff. I think Tobira is generally all in Japanese but the grammar explanations may be in English if I remember correctly.

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