In your opinion, would learning one grammar point a day be a reasonable speed?

I’m working my way through Genki 1.

I’m going back and forth between the decision to learn as much as I can in a day, even if it ends up being multiple grammar points, or having each day be like its own lesson dedicated to one grammar point that I learn really well, then move on the next day.

  1. If that works for you go for it. Try speeding up and slowing down and evaluating whether it still works. Try mixing in more or less vocab etc. No one breakdown of effort is going to work forever. The important thing is self evaluation and mixing up patterns that get stale.

  2. Just learn some amount every day. It doesn’t matter if it’s 1 on a day and 5 on another day.

    As long as you keep going you’ll learn Japanese. Most people (me included) try to rush things, set too ambitious expectations, start skipping days, then eventually stop learning altogether.

    It’s no different than going to the gym, trying a fad diet, etc. Starting is easy… keeping it going is the hard part. So set yourself a sustainable pace and you’ll be good.

  3. I say study a certain amount of hours a day.

    E.g. study 2 hours a day.

    If you learn 1 grammar point, 0.1, or 3, it doesn’t matter it matters if you put in the hours.

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