What’s the best app yo learn the most common words

Hi. I’m looking for an app that will teach me the 1000 most common words. Any suggestions?

  1. anki is good for reviews (retaining knowledge)

    for actually learning the words in the first place, I type up all the words I want to learn that day and review that list periodically throughout the day. I use Notepad++ for this however, any text editor would be basically equivalent for this use. I’m sure you could use vi, vim, word, or whatever you are used to.

  2. Jisho for sure. Massive database, labeled by how common the words are, including expressions, and you can make your own custom flash card decks

  3. jpdb.io is great! It’s a website and not an app, but they have a bunch of built-in decks already made that you can add, such as the Genki and Minna no Nihongo textbooks, manga, anime, and novels. It will teach you kanji and vocabulary using an spaced repetition system and all of it is free.

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