Studying in Japan?

Hello! I think this is the right subreddit..
I would like to know what a “Formación Profesional de Grado Superior” which is basically a “Certificate of Higher Education (HNC)” in the UK according to Google. But what is that in Japanese system? I can’t find the answer on Google lol
Also is it like worth it if I know little to no Japanese?
I would like to study videogame design but I doubt they would do something like that in one of those International schools where they study English and Japanese at the same time..
I don’t know, can someone enlighten me with their knowledge? I’m so naive im sorry (plus my parents didn’t even finish school so they have no clue either)
Thank you in advance~!

  1. Whatever it is you’re hoping to do, you won’t be able to do it in Japan without very fluent Japanese.

  2. >But what is that in Japanese system?

    For a quick overview of postsecondary education options in Japan have a look here:

    JASSO also has search tools to help you find a program you may be interested in.

    Generally speaking it’s recommended that you get a bachelor’s degree as the bare minimum because it makes future interactions with immigration a lot easier.

    If you want to study in Japan it is also highly recommended that you study in Japanese, which means you’d need to get at least a JLPT N2 certificate (or equivalent) before applying to the school(s) of your choice.

    Good luck!

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