police came to my house to ask me not to play music at 2pm in the afternoon.

I was playing and practising some dance moves in the afternoon and suddenly police came to my house to ask me to stop. He took my id noted several information from that. I am a bit worried. Is it okay?

  1. Youre fine. Just some asshole called the cops to file a noise complaint… They took your info in case theres another occurrence

  2. You probably hit on the nerve of a neighbour, who did not want to get confrontational and called the police (because the police definitely don’t go on patrol for loud sounds at 2pm). The police did come and noticed that you were actually making some noise, and asked you to tone it down.

    So now that you have that in mind, you should probably indeed lower the music by a notch.

  3. There is nothing they can do about you playing music at 2pm. Don’t worry about it and keep dancing!

  4. You should find out what the noise regulations are in your area. If the police come to your place as a result of a noise complaint they will ask you to keep it down but it’s not usually something you can get into any legal trouble for unless it’s a recurring problem for being over the decibel limit for the time of day it occurs.

  5. In Tokyo people practice dancing outside of office buildings looking at their reflection on the mirrored windows with earphones in.

  6. Unlike in some other countries, police almost always go check out noise complaints here in Japan. Probably something to do with them usually having a Koban nearby, and them being bored because nothing ever happens.
    It’s not really a big deal.

    Now, I don’t know how much noise you were actually making. It can be surprising how loud we can be to others without realizing it. The police don’t usually knock on your door if there isn’t any noise though.
    My advice? Headphones.

  7. Probably not illegal, but generally people mostly try to do things that do not disturb others. Being legal doesn’t mean you should do it without being considerate. Don’t forget that you are the gaijin here, and what you do also affect their views on your country, or even the entire race because they cannot tell where you are exactly from.

    When in Rome, do as the Romans do. And that’s basic respect.

  8. It really is hard to live together in peace with 20 million others 🙂

    Look at your rental agreement. If it says “no musical instruments” or some such, then that also means that they don’t want you to make noises, like loud music and stomping etc. You don’t really have a leg to stand on against your busibody neighbours.

    You should be fine, though, doing it in a park or similar, best with earphones.

  9. You’re fine, just sounds like you angered a neighbour. Simply lower the volume and keep dancing!

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