residency visa

Hello, I’m 22yo may I ask if I can still get resident visa or citizenship even if i don’t have contact with my parent in Japan? He abandoned me at very young age. The only proof that I have is birthcert from my country that he has signature. No koseki since I really don’t know who my dad is,only know his name. I’m planning to move there because of financial status and unable to find work.

  1. If your Japanese parent didn’t bother to register your birth, and you have no idea who your family are, it’s going to be pretty damned tough to prove your citizenship.

    With the scant evidence that you have, you could try contacting the embassy where you live, and see if they can offer any advice. I wouldn’t count on much though.

    You could possibly try the services of a private detective agency here. They *may* be able to turn something up.

    Good luck.

  2. From the sounds of it, your father probably didn’t register you within 3 months of your birth, so you don’t likely have Japanese citizenship.

    For the ancestor visa you’d need a family registry of a relative (parent, Grand parent, great-grandparent) and proof of the relationship.

    You may be able to hire a private detective agency to try and track down your father and the associated paperwork. If you can get that, you’d still need a guarantor in Japan but they don’t have to be related to you.

    Best of luck to you!

  3. You want a spouse/child of a Japanese national visa. Still need to find the koseki.

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