japanese email

so i’m asking a question about one of my homework assignments to my teacher, how do i end off the email? i’m not asking for an extension or anything but i’m just asking an question on something i didn’t understand on the homework given. usually i say something like thank you in advance to my other teachers but idk how to say in japanese…

  1. Personally, I would end with:




    If the email is **extremely** professional and academic then try using a format:

    拝啓[先生の名前] *[Dear, (Teacher name)]*

    内容的 *(Innards of the email)*

    敬具[自分の名前] *[Sincerely, (Your name)]*


    [漢字 (Kanji)] used-

    お願いします- (おねがじいします) (No direct translation to English: request?)

    名前- (なまえ) (Name)

    拝啓- (はいけい) [Dear (Only used in **very** professional settings)]

    先生- (せんせい) (Teacher)

    内容的- (ないようてき) (No direct translation to English: Regarding the content?)

    敬具- (けいぐ) [Sincerely (Only used in **very** professional settings)]


    Make sure to press enter and have space between two lines whenever you shift topic slightly. Always use (丁寧語) teineigo in the email: です, ます, わたし, etcetera. Add always put 先生 at the end of the teacher’s name.


    Advice: Have your teacher correct your Japanese in the email in Japanese (as a written response), and try to understand it all. It’s a good learning opportunity and it’s [一石二鳥 (いっせきにちょう)]; two birds with one stone.


    Stay focued and keep working hard 💪!


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