Small island problems

So after months of anxiety and stress and finally being accepted as a JET, I now have to be faced with trying to get a US visa appointment that is not in 2024. So for those that don’t know, a lot of us small islanders, maybe specifically Caribbean islanders need a US visa to travel to Japan. I even tried getting my appointment expedited only for them to reject it almost immediately. It’s literally 1 person every 3 years from my small island yet this stumbling block is trying to get in my path. I have gone to the Foreign Affairs department to have them email the embassy which they did but nothing is guaranteed. My next step would have to be asking for a meeting with our PM because this is ridiculously frustrating.

Ok rant over (for now).

Update: The really lovely guy working at the Japanese Embassy said that he was going over the flight plans with the people from Japan and as a result of the issues with getting my US visa appointment, that I will be flying through Amsterdam then Turkey onto Japan. Very long flight but I AM GOING TO JAPAN GUYS!!!


  1. I have a close friend from a small Caribbean island who’s had a lot of dealings with JET — they came here independently but later worked as a CIR. Feel free to DM me!

  2. Were the airline tickets already purchased? There are ways to Japan without having to go through America. I suggest explaining the situation to CLAIR to see if they can purchase such tickets. In addition, your Japanese embassy should be able to write you a letter for the US embassy about your reason for wanting the visa – I do not see why they would make it difficult since it is literally for transit purposes.

    Keep us posted. I am also from the Caribbean, and I had my embassy write a letter to quicken the process.

  3. This is strange as two options were given by the travel agency. One flight through the US, the other through Panama.

    I’m an incoming JET from Jamaica

  4. Ok so the secretary from the PMs office called today to ask me to send the DS 160 page showing the photo and barcode so something is happening and I’m anxious but feeling a little lighter. 🤞

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