Please help to identify a mysterious Japanese song

Hello all,

As some of you may know, there is a long-known ‘mysterious’ unidentified Japanese song that was first discovered over 30 years ago, but still to this day, nobody has been able to find out who it’s by, what it’s called, or what its intended purpose was.

Song – [](

Including here on reddit, we have established an ever expanding online presence that is dedicated to trying to solve this mystery. Links can be found below:

reddit – [\_japanese\_song\_akiba\_tape\_fly\_away/](

Twitter – [](

Facebook – [](

If anybody might have an extensive knowledge of 1980’s Japanese music, anime, advertising, or any material which could potentially be related to identifying this song, this could prove vital in finally solving this mystery. Additionally, if anyone might know of other areas of the internet that specialize in such knowledge or discussion, our team of investigators would be very grateful for any leads that you may be able to provide. We have members that are proficient in both English and Japanese, so we gladly welcome any and all suggestions.

Thank you!

Akihabara Tape Research

  1. If it’s truly not just some demo track by an obscure artist who never got picked up by a label (which would be my first pick), I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s a cult recruitment song of some kind. The lyrics are pretty abstract but it reads as a metaphor for dying to me.

  2. Why do you care? I’m sure there are thousands of mediocre songs like this that no one knows.

    Also, this sounds like some sort “viral campaign”

  3. This is so freaking interesting, and a great song to boot!! Youre doing the lords work, i have so much love and respect for people who are this dedicated to something so niche, keep it up!

  4. I doubt that anyone on this sub will be able to solve this. This is pretty much a subculture by itself on the Japanese internet and nobody managed to identify the artist ever. My guess is that it‘s just a demo tape by someone who never made it as a singer. The song is really good though, I always liked it.

  5. Not gonna lie, it reminds me of an ominous version of Promise by Hirose Kohmi. Also produced in the 90s by the way and also about suicide or dark dying message behind it.

    Wouldn’t be surprised if they were one in the same.

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