Does anyone have experience with playing electric guitar with headphones in an apartment building?

I live in a concrete building so there is no issue with down/upstairs neighbors. The wall to my only side-neighbors is not concrete though and sounds hollow though I haven’t heard much from the other side. So my question is to people in a similar living situation: have you had noise complaints or have your heard your neighbors playing the electric with headphones on (with regards to string noise only which I think isn’t that loud). Also, does opening the window perhaps lower the sound which travels through walls? any advice is appreciated, don’t wanna get policed. Thanks!

  1. I’ve done that, never had any problems. As you said, the strings aren’t that loud by the themselves so with the headphones on, you’re not making much noise.

    Rock on, brother.

  2. I used to do it in an old, small apartment with wooden walls/framing and never had any complaints. I made sure to never to it after about 9 PM, however.

  3. I’ve done it with no problems. As long as you don’t have crazy over-sensitive neighbors and are not thrashing the strings you should be good.

  4. As others said, you should be fine ***but*** if you’re worried you can get something like this:


    80cm (width) by 1.5m (high) partition thing that you could set up in an L shape in the corner away from your only-side neighbor (I assume you’re in a corner room or your other wall faces a corridor?), and that should act as another barrier before your side neighbors could possibly hear it.

    I’ve messed around with them at my local IKEA store and they do seem to trap/absorb a surprising amount of sound (Despite being essentially thick cardboard with a felt finish on the outside.

    (Alternatively you could make something similar for less money but the IKEA product is an easy option if you’re not the DIY type (If you’re interested in the DIY option PM me otherwise this comment will get way too long)).

    Combine that with a thick-ish rug from your cheap-ish shop of choice (I’d go IKEA or Nitori) to put under your chair and the chances are nobody will ever hear you.

    Not perfect but assuming your above/below neighbors definitely can’t hear you anyway, you can get away with a little bit of sound escaping from above.

  5. If your style is to go at it heavily with a pick, they may hear it. If you’re effectively a fingerpicker, I doubt they’d hear anything.

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