Getting married soon – what are the income requirements for a Spouse of JN visa?

Pretty much the title!

I ask because my fiancé is a freelance artist and his income is rather irregular. I am the main earner in our house and have a steady income at present but I have been considering leaving my job and going freelance myself for a while (I’m a little tired of my life in Japan being tied to dull office jobs, basically). The Spouse of JN visa presents an opportunity to have more freedom over my work so I am mulling over switching SoR a few months after we marry, submitting it all via an immigration lawyer (I’d like to do it sooner tbh but I’ve heard that rushing to get it raises eyebrows at immigration and they’re more likely to only give you a 1 year or even 6 month visa in that scenario).

My worry is that if both my husband and I were freelance and had a rough couple of months without much work, we might not meet the financial requirements to renew the SoJN visa later down the line (though I guess the upside of a spouse visa is that it’s always possible to work at cafes, combinis etc to supplement your income if you have to).

Curious as to what others have found is the financial threshold, or if this is a concern anyone else has encountered? I have heard mixed things and it does seem to depend to an extent on your area’s average cost of living.

  1. I cannot imagine immigration refusing to renew a spouse visa down the line because you are broke.

  2. AFAIK, only a koseki touhon + the other usual suspects are needed. Financial stability might land you a longer visa but that’s also really iffy.

  3. I obtained my spouse visa during the three months I was out of a job. I do not think they look at income. They do look at your relationship’s history and your own in Japan.

  4. I think spending money for an immigration lawyer to switch from a work to a spouse visa is waste. You will get it anyway, probably starting with a period of 1y and 3y if they see steady or increasing income. Really, keep that money for honeymoon or when you apply for PR.

  5. Lmao im also a freelance artist looking for jp waifu XD

    Ive been stable for many years, girls come get me haha.

    Anyways now wiyh ai tell him to be careful but if you both have solid skills opportunities are always there

    Maybe go to some cheap ass village or country first, work your butts off bc yeah freelance its a fight

  6. I don’t really have a full time job because I’m a student and I am still able to get a spouse visa. I just put my wife’s work info when i renew my visa and her salary is pretty low so I think you’ll be okay.

  7. Just immigrated on a spouse visa and I’m on a PhD student stipend (like $2k/mo). My wife (JN) isn’t working. We had plenty of savings though, and we worked with a scrivener who advised that having 12 months worth of living expenses saved up is sufficient regardless of income.

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