Did the ways change since 2020?

So, I was studying Japanese in 2020, but then stopped because burn out. I was mainly using the core2k/6k deck as that was pretty popular. Are there better ways now? What are the youngsters using these days?

I didn’t really like the core2k/6k deck, and same goes with wanikani. And starting with them again could likely cause burn out again.

  1. Depends on why you didn’t like the Core 2k/6k. Here is what’s popular right now:

    If you just didn’t like the selection of words, because you are looking for something aimed more at popular media, then you could do the [Core 2.3K](https://anacreondjt.gitlab.io/docs/coredeck/) deck.

    If you did not like the format of Core decks in general, then you could do the Tango decks. They are sentence decks, which is generally considered to be easier, because you learn new words in the context of a specific sentence. There are several versions, for instance [this one](https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/1679429599).

    If you just did not like using Anki in general (shame on you!) you could try [jpdb.io](https://jpdb.io).

  2. Textbook and video games. Make my own cards. Works well. The core decks just don’t really deliver the grammar you need to get reading.

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