How many minutes do you do Anki each day?

I more mean the time value that Anki tells you it estimates it will take you to finish your cards each day. Just out of curiosity! For me, when I haven’t added cards for awhile, It’ll say about 20 minutes each day to get through my cards. But now, while studying for N3, it’s about 45 minutes each day.

I also make most of my cards, so I wonder if this value differs from people who are doing the core vocab decks instead!

  1. Around 30 minutes for me at 20 new cards per day. I’m pretty sure it’s based on your average review time so can go up or down depending on your activity.

  2. Anki’s time estimates are wildly inaccurate for me. Today it claims that I studied 109 cards in 23 minutes, but my external app timer shows it was 42 minutes.

    I edit brand new cards as I get them (adding example sentences, mnemonics, etc.), and I’m guessing that it doesn’t count the time spent in edit mode. That would be fine if I were trying to race myself on reviews or something, but it doesn’t help me budget my time.

  3. About an hour now, I have a shit tonne of kanji alongside some vocab decks.

    I make far too many mistakes on the kanji, so I have a lot of repeats.

    About 450-500 cards a day.

  4. Ive moved to 40/day recently, end up usually over 300 review cards which takes around 25 minutes.

    Someone else said the estimate is based on review time, so I assume anki would estimate around 17 minutes – assuming 0 failed cards

  5. When I was consistently doing Anki I would never spend more than 15 minutes a day.

    I add a “target” to all my cards so as soon as the card pops up, if I know the reading/meaning, etc. for that target word I can immediately pass it. I’d much rather use that time towards reading, watching stuff, general immersion, etc. over doing Anki reps.

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