I want to create a kanji-to-reading Anki deck that includes pitch accent for kun’yomi and relevant on’yomi: can someone help me with the technical stuff?

As a native speaker who grew up in Europe, I have been struggling with this language my whole life. Written and spoken Japanese are not easily mastered. One thing I have always been concerned about is correct accent/pronunciation. I am sure that many advanced students are similarly concerned.

I have been reviewing kanji with “All in One”, a popular deck. I can’t remember how the original deck worked as I changed it quite a bit in the past year or two, but the review I am doing is reading/meaning -> kanji shape.

Now I want to make a deck for kanji shape -> reading/meaning.

I couldn’t find a good deck that included pitch accent. In fact, I think the great majority of kanji decks find pitch accent to be irrelevant and don’t include this information.

I modified a couple of entries from All in One to give you an idea of what I mean.




The numbers indicate the mora with the pitch accent. So, koTObuki. This is a standard system, you can learn about it anywyere.

Where relevant, the on’yomi could include the pitch accent information. Some on’yomi are words in themselves, such as the word “kiku” above. Where multiple accents are possible, both are shown.

The only problem is that I don’t know how to do this from a technical point of view.

Where do I get the kanji, readings, English meanings, examples and pitch accent information, and how do I automatically put all this stuff into an Anki deck?

If someone can help me with the right advice I would be very grateful.

# RESOLVED: I found an add-on that does it automatically, provided I have a deck with readings/examples. I am using Jo Mako’s All in One deck.

# The add-on is [https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/1225470483](https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/1225470483). It bulk-adds pitch accents.

# Working on my new deck. 🙂

  1. Automatically? No idea, but you can get every piece of info by yourself through copy/paste and screenshots, and organize it the way you want to. Its def gonna take you a bit though.

    For pitch accent on words, i use this: https://www.gavo.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/ojad/search/index/sortprefix:accent/narabi1:kata_asc/narabi2:accent_asc/narabi3:mola_asc/yure:visible/curve:invisible/details:invisible/limit:20/word:%E3%83%A6%E3%83%BC%E3%83%AD

    If its not there, i go for kanshudo: https://www.kanshudo.com/searchq

    Otherwise, ill just go to my pc and use yomichan, a browser extension which you can look up and set up so it creates anki cards for you, ive never tried it, but im sure it saves a lot of time, either eay, theres a tutorial here with Tokini Andy: https://youtu.be/OJxndUGN8Cg

    For most common kunyomi/onyomi readings, i use a phone app called Kanji Study, it literally just highlights the most common readings for every kanji, as well as the most common words that contain them and a gif of the stroke order in case you wanna look at it in real time several times (just like jisho.org kinda).

    The rest is just screenshots you insert into your card, and basic formatting to color the font, change its size, etc.

  2. You can use the API of Jotoba if you have a list of word’s/kanji you want to add. It should give you all data you need.
    The API docs are at https://jotoba.com/api
    Write a python script that iterates over all words/kanji you want to add, request the data and bring it into the right format for Anki. Either there is a way to add new cards from python directly or you have to use anki connect.
    I’ve actually made a Jotoba plugin for Anki that uses the API which you can use as reference if you want https://github.com/JojiiOfficial/Anki-Jotoba-addon
    I’m not sure tho if the words API already handles words with multiple pitches properly. There is an undocumented API which does but for this you have to read the source code of Jotoba. As I’m the main developer of this project, you can dm me if you have troubles using the API

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