Question About a Physical Before Departure.

My eikaiwa job that I am arriving for in March requires that I get a physical in February, but I have one question regarding it.

I am in great physical shape, I exercise regularly and do not have any pre-existing conditions other than food allergies (egg and peanut, actually easy to avoid) but I am several pounds underweight. It is nothing severe and does not have any impact on my health, but I do look very thin. Also, my doctor’s appointment is going to be at the tail end of a fast that I am observing, so I am most likely going to be a bit out of my B.M.I. due to this.

I am a bit afraid that this might raise suspicion of an eating disorder or something similar when my employer’s review my doctor’s report, but I am probably being overly cautious. Does anyone have any thoughts? Is this something I should be on the lookout for?

  1. Don’t think they will care.

    Somewhat related, if you have severe peanut and egg allergies there will almost definitely be a situation where they are put into your food without being asked, so I would be extra vigilent in Japan. Egg is in everything.

  2. Are physicals a common thing? Are they purely physical or do they question you about things like well controlled depression (no symptoms for 3+ years).

  3. Japan does not care as long as you don’t have cancer or some disease. They will however, 100 percent kill you with peanuts if your not on guard at all times.

  4. Surprisingly enough many Japanese people are underweight so no need to worry. If you think BMI is a problem take a week or so to start loading up on calories and drink a lot of water.

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