*Couldn’t agree more. Kevin Kelly is easily the best in the biz: knowledge, enthusiasm, humor, reverence, warmth… the man’s a delight.

*Couldn’t agree more. Kevin Kelly is easily the best in the biz: knowledge, enthusiasm, humor, reverence, warmth… the man’s a delight.

  1. I usually listen to Japanese commentary, but Kevin and Chris are fantastic when I switch to english.

  2. It’s so damn easy to be a fan of FTR. Real class acts. Great students of the game who have a lot of respect for pro wrestling. Oh and they’re right. Kevin Kelly is the best in the game. NJPW can ill afford to lose him. I hope they appreciate him.

  3. For my money’s worth, Kevin, Chris, Excalibur, & Ian Riccaboni are the best commentators in wrestling today. New Japan having the combo of Kevin & Chris (at least when they do commentary together and it’s not just Kevin by himself as has been the case sometimes over the past few years) is just so, so damn good. They bounce off each other greatly and add great insight for English audiences.

    Also helps a lot to have Chris being able to do live translations of Japanese promos.

  4. When I first got into New Japan, I watched with English commentary because I had very little understanding of what was going on storyline-wise. I continue to watch with English commentary not because I don’t know what’s going on, but because Kevin Kelly is just so enjoyable to listen to. By far one of my favorite commentators of all time.

  5. He is one of my favorites. I adore Ian Riccaboni, i really misses Kevin Kelly every week on ROH tv.

  6. Kevin’s been the best play-by-play guy in the biz for years now. He knows the wrestlers, the history, the moves, and how to make the matches feel like a big deal.

    You put him with Chris Charlton, who’s incredibly vast knowledge of Japanese wrestling and wordplay speaks for itself, they’re a great team. Bring back Gino Gambino to add some heel humor to the mix and that right there is the best three man booth in wrestling.

  7. Really miss Rocky being a regular commentator. Him, Kevin, and Chris create the perfect dynamic of college roommates watching wrestling, which is how it should be.

    In general NJPW’s production is near-perfect. It’s not just the camera work, it’s the commentary, the lighting, the sound design, the entrance music, it’s all fantastic.

  8. I would love a Kevin & Excalibur booth on a serious PPV with no bullshit TV reads or promoting the upcoming sitcom.

  9. Kevin and Chris are great together. Kevin and Callus were money. Kevin and Corino were solid. Kevin and Geno were entertaining.

    I think it might just be Kevin.

  10. Kevin Kelly is the absolute best. He knows how to call great matches as well as engage with his co-commentators. The G1 was a perfect example. Pair him with Filthy and it’s great. Pair him with ELP and it’s great. So on and so on. Gets people over. Epic calls. Just the best.

  11. Kevin Kelly and Don Callis remain my all time favorite commentary duo… If I have to have three, the Forbidden Door team of Kelly, Taz, Excalibur was excellent

  12. Friggin love Kevin. Aside from Joey styles I can’t think of another commentator that can carry a 1 man booth and legitimately be successful at it. He is a true asset to the business and I hope future commentators take notes. He’s a living legend at his craft.

  13. For me, what Kevin Kelly lacks is energy/hype, like what Mauro/Pat/Prime JR/Japanese commentators had (though all of them can be over the top at times).

    Not that Kevin hasn’t shown that type of emotion before (like when Gedo turned heel or Jericho’s challenge to Omega), but it is not as consistent as the names mentioned.

  14. Kevin is a big part of why i occasionally watch NJPW. He does his best work to make sure i understand who is who and why X is going on. Very important for me, because i only watch WK and some other big events.

  15. I would have put Excalibur up there with Kevin Kelly a few months ago but you can tell AEW has him narrating and promoting more than being himself during the match while NJPW give Kevin and Chris more freedom

  16. I was fortunate enough to attend one of Kevin’s seminars in North Carolina several years ago, and got the opportunity to cut a promo for him. ^((Not to brag but he said he would have put it straight on TV!)) He was incredibly helpful and very generous in giving his info out to all of us, and would frequently write back to critique the videos we would send him. Very knowledgeable and has loads of stories to tell. Can’t say enough nice things about him.

    He also called me an asshole (in jest) for dropping a box of donuts.

  17. I remember someone once saying they hated Kevin Kelly because he always sounded like he was trying to get himself over instead of the talent; they specifically brought up the Destino call Kevin does. But I have NEVER gotten that from him. I have always thought his calls make things that are supposed to be big feel bigger. And his ability to make you really hate a dastardly heel when they get a screw win is second to none because of his freedom in NJPW (saying “god damn it” or, when he’s particularly sickened, “you son of a bitch”). The dude is the best.

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