How much time before response deadline?

I just got accepted for a CIR position, and I was given eight working days to get all my documents in order, which is completely impossible both due to where I live in the world and because I have a job so I can’t just go and do this stuff whenever I want to.


I was wondering, how have other people’s experience with this been?
Did you get a longer period to get all your affairs and documents in order?

  1. Were you upgraded? If so, that’s probably why they need your documents quick (probably trying to get you to depart with regular departure groups).

    Contact your consulate and explain your situation, maybe they can extend the deadline for you.

  2. A friend who was in the 2020 cohort which got delayed due to COVID, was notified 3 weeks prior to departure when she finally got to go this year. It’s not 8 days, but still… so it does happen

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