Neighbor periodically loses his shit

The neighbor that I have a couple of houses down is pretty worrying, especially since I have a pregnant wife and young child.

Every few months, he’ll throw a giant violent tantrum over some nonsense. A few months ago he broke a window and threw a bunch of potted plants, and yesterday was his worst one yet. He tried to instigate a fistfight with a factory worker at the delivery center behind his house. He was throwing wild haymakers at the guy as all the neighbors rushed out trying to calm him down.

I have instructed my wife to keep our son inside when he turns our neighborhood into an episode of Cops.

I’m honestly afraid of what he’ll do. I have never talked to this 30-something domestic incident causing jizzstain personally, but while I’m not personally scared that he can inflict bodily harm to me, my wife and son are a different issue. The police have been called but obviously since they’re Japanese police they won’t even throw him into a cell for a night to scare him.

He lives with his parents at home. Talking to them seems like it would be a waste of time (seeing as they’re the people who raised him), but if there’s any way I can approach this, I’m open to suggestions. The police are called every time he does this, but again and again, they do nothing.

  1. The police legally can’t do anything unless a crime has been committed with proof or evidence of such. Destruction of property is a crime but if the owner of said property doesn’t want to push the issue then nothing will come of it.

    Are you renting or are you a homeowner? The advice that anyone here can give is heavily dependent on the answer to that question. I will give you two sound pieces of advice:

    1) if renting, move.

    2) stay away from him. Do not interact with him. Do not speak to him. Do not look at him. Do not move physically near him. And if he loses his shit do not touch him. Keep yourself together and keep your family away from him. Avoid him and make sure your family does the same. If you see him, turn around and walk in the other direction. Do not speak with his parents.

  2. If the cops are useless, you may have to take matters into your own hands. My personal advice is just avoid him like the plague, but if he lays a finger on you or especially your wife and child…… all bets are off; hand him his ass. You gotta draw the line somewhere.

    Plus if he does this shit regularly, chances are the cops won’t do shit to you, and you can just claim self-defense because that idiot has a history of being a violent prick, so they’ll take your word over his.

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