Cheap/high protein lunch recipes.

I’ve spent the last year or so working in a job where it was difficult to bring a bento. No fridge, nowhere to sit down to eat, no sink to rinse bento box etc. so I’ve just been buying pre-made food that doesn’t require refrigeration and that I can eat standing up.

I’m finally about to move to an office with a fridge, desk, and microwave.

Do you guys have any good ideas for cheap/high protein/low-effort lunch boxes?

I usually get about 50g of protein for lunch but from pretty unhealthy sources, and it costs about 600y/day.

My only idea at the moment is getting the 1kg smoked chicken breast meat that Gyomu Super sells for 900y, and just mixing 150g of it through rice for about 35g of protein, 150y/day. But that’s a bit boring.

Any other ideas? What do you guys do for lunch?

1 comment
  1. Buy the 2kg chicken breast from gyomu, grab some spices, buy a set of Tupperware from 100 yen shop, spend two hours a week cooking 4 different sets of chicken with different spices so you dont end up jumping infront of the cho line, put in tupperware and freeze. Cheapest you can probably do and healthy.

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