is this all the Genki books i need?

I’m going to learn Japanese for a trip in 2 years and i eventually want to live there for a bit. besides these books, i there anything else i should do? and are these all the books? [\_1\_5?crid=219AJGVW1LQ7K&keywords=genki&qid=1668048238&qu=eyJxc2MiOiIzLjA5IiwicXNhIjoiMi44MSIsInFzcCI6IjIuNjcifQ%3D%3D&s=books&sprefix=genki%2Cstripbooks%2C390&sr=1-5](

1 comment
  1. Yes, although I wouldn’t recommend using that 3rd one. I’d use Tobira or Quartet instead

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