Shinzo Abe’s Assassin Succeeds in Turning Japan Against ‘Cult’

Shinzo Abe’s Assassin Succeeds in Turning Japan Against ‘Cult’

  1. Imagine assassinating a former PM and people going “You know he sort of had a point”

  2. This cult is infecting my gun loving hometown back east in NEPA. Think Scranton from the office. Trump had the cult working extra hard for him there. Intimidating voters.

  3. Someone explain me this. Isnt the LDP mostly right wing? Why are they so into a Korean cult?

  4. it is fascinating how everyone in Reddit ( regardless of familiarity with the subject) has an opinion on everything.
    Heaven help us if someone decide to use Reddit as a machine learning model to train an AI.
    Will be a complete jerk.

  5. You can hate the killer and the church. And you don’t have to worship Abe’s politics or Person because he was assassinated.

  6. Not justifying what he did. But if people always say, “Oh he was just angry!”. Without looking at the reason, there wouldn’t have been such a revelation.(For those that didn’t already know the cult was evil)

  7. I think it’s hilarious how immediately after it happened everyone on Reddit was like, “Wow, tragic, horrible, he’s a monster,” until they found out he was mad at religion.

  8. He give exposure to an issue that was already a thing… But in the end it didn’t change anything, since law still protect cults and that one change anytime soon.

    People are acting selfish in the matter because it hurt a politician but forget that the guy tried to make bombs… If he had succeed in that it could be a even bigger tragedy.

  9. “They became known for…various schemes for extorting large financial donations from their members. They were also accused of using brainwashing techniques to recruit and keep adherents.”

    “They strove to change their image in the late ’80s and ’90s, setting up front companies, think tanks, and related organizations. They have also been media-savvy.”

    So basically the Asian answer to Scientology.

  10. When was the last time an assassination actually worked? And no I don’t mean killing the person you intended to kill but I mean your actual message getting across and people being receptive to it on a large scale.

  11. Why the quotation marks around the word cult? It’s a pretty widely known, objective fact about the Unification Church.

  12. When I was working at a university in Japan the Moonies were recruiting at the campus. The faculty and students all received e-mails warning us about their crazy bs and losing their tactics for recruiting new members.

  13. People’s anger towards him is nil.They understand what cults are like in Japan.Everyone knows someone who is in one.They wouldn’t do what he did.But they understand.

  14. Hello can someone please tell my why the Abe assassins life was “ruined” by the church? I am only aware of the assassination and not anything past that but some people are saying he had his life ruined by the church, can someone explain how please?

  15. >According to Moon, Jesus sent him to save families and achieve world peace and fight godless communism. His followers were commonly referred to as “Moonies.” They became known for massive group weddings and various schemes for extorting large financial donations from their members. They were also accused of using brainwashing techniques to recruit and keep adherents.

    So it’s like McCarthyism meets Qanon. Someone with a savior complex who decided to take advantage of the name of Jesus and emotionally trick vulnerable people.

  16. I never thought in 2022 I’d be hearing news about the god damn Moonies again lol

  17. Regardless of how you feel about the actions of Tetsuya Yamagami.

    Fuck the Unification Church.

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