Amazon Kindle Unlimited

I ordered a Kindle Paperwhite and am wondering if anyone is subscribed to Kindle Unlimited. If so, can you find all the books you want in English or is it only filled with Japanese books? Also curious to know if there is a tool to get the readings for kanjis when reading Japanese books on the Kindle.

Thank you

  1. I don’t think there’s anything region specific to Kindle Unlimited. At least I’ve read tons of English and Japanese things on mine.

    For Japanese text, yes you can highlight and look up words.

  2. Had a Kindle, didn’t like the file format limitations.

    Have Kobo now, much better, also larger.

    Kobo rakuten store is rubbish because it’s locked to the region where you live based on your payment method, so basically you can’t have any books. So we buy ebooks from publishers that allow downloading files without encryption.

    Sorry that I’m not answering your specific question.

  3. Kindle has a built in dictionary tool but it’s incredibly slow to use and it basically doesn’t deconjugate works at all which makes it essentially useless. If your concern is lookups I would say get an e-reader device that runs standard android and read your books in [ッツ reader]( while using Yomichan for lookups.

  4. I have a Kindle. I tried unlimited (trial) in Japan and most of it seemed to be stuff I wouldn’t read, in both English and Japanese.

    I do buy Japanese books on my kindle because of the dictionary function. It helps with my reading comprehension and kanji knowledge.

  5. There are some decent (for my standards 🤣) English books on Kindle Unlimited on They have the scary stories collection by Tara Devlin and also some books in the Holmes on the Range series by Steve Hockensmith.

  6. I have an og paperwhite, I’d strongly recommend getting “calibre”, it’s an ebook software for converting formats and organizing your library. It’s free, well supported, and let’s you get books from anywhere. You can even convert jpg or pdf if you want to read manga.

    I use to use kindle unlimited, lots of “pop fiction”, some of its good, but I wouldn’t say it’s curated. Amazon store is pretty good, but full disclosure, my kindle hasn’t connected to the internet in at least 5 years, I just use calibre to load it up. Though I do buy physical books from Amazon on occasion.

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