Planning a trip around Comiket 2022?

Hey guys, I’m not sure if this is the right place to ask but I was wondering about Comiket dates for 2022 and which months has the highest probability of having such event being held.

I’ve been told to organise a leave for 2022 by end of this months, which if possible, I would like to plan a trip around the time where I can visit Tokyo Big Sight for Comiket event.

Unfortunately, the online resources doesn’t tell me much about the Comiket dates for 2022. Some speculate that it may be held on August 2022 if the upcoming December 2021 doesn’t get cancelled due to COVID. Others say it may be held on May 2022 if the December 2021 gets cancelled.

All in all, I’m thinking of picking March, May or August 2022 for a 1 month trip to Japan. Though, due to the current climate of COVID, I’m not sure which months to pick at this stage.

  1. Comike is usually held in August and December. Of course, covid and Olympics mess everything up. And if this December is cancelled, it’s likely to be held in May, yes.

    However, do be warned that December Comike is usually during New Year. August is during Obon. And if it’s in May, it’s will be during golden week. Basically it’s the three busiest week of the year.

  2. You know covid is still a thing, right? Don’t come here my man.
    August will most likely be canceled again anyways.

  3. I wanna go to Comiket too! I was at C97 before the world shut down. Based on my past Comiket experiences, it is usually held in August and December. I believe it was gonna be held in May this year only because of the Olympics. I am assuming that next year’s summer Comiket will be held in August.

    Also be warned, there were talks of limiting attendees based on a lottery. I don’t know if that will still happen, but if COVID is around and wrecking havoc, it might.

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