Weekly Praise Thread – 11 November 2022

It’s that time of the week again. Please boast and share about the good things that have happened to you this past week!

  1. A friend is visiting from Canada atm. An Aussie couple is coming later this month and a another couple from Canada will be here in December. It’s good having the borders open and friends visiting.

    In house paid surveys are back too. 90 mins for 20,000 yen is not to be sneezed at.

  2. The grace of Mimi Parker and Alan Sparhawk has always been a source of light to my world, and this is a good time for me to reflect on it and try to emulate their kindness. So long, Mimi. Your music will endure, I have no doubt.

  3. US stock market had a good one last night. I woke up about 90,000 yen richer. It’s probably gonna go down again before too long but for now, joy!

    Also discovered melting caramel Kit Kats last night and oh my god.

  4. It’s criminal how beautiful Tochigi is for how cheap it is to live here. I actively look forward to every single commute and this morning was just lovely.

  5. Teasing my wife by sending Line messages with Funashi stickers (she detests Funashi, quite sensibly IMO). Awaiting her fake-disgusted reaction. Life is good.

  6. Praise to the driving license center. I had to schedule a drive test for like late Jan due to Covid + less staff overseeing the foreign drive test. But due to the influx of foreigners, they called me up saying if I had all my documents submitted, they could slot me in earlier.

    I did so and they scheduled the test next week.

  7. I thought the chef at my favorite Indian place had left, as the taste of the food was entirely off the last time I went a little while back. (still alright, but it lacked the little something extra I was used to.) yesterday I heard that he was on a three-month holiday and is back as of this week, so I can get my usual heaping helpings of dal and biryani as often as I want again.

  8. My daughter translates Shiba inu to ‘grass hounds’ when she’s speaking to me in my native language. It’s clever and cute.

    I started listening to a new podcast, the history of Egypt, and I’m really enjoying it.

  9. Went out for a 10k jog and stopped to do some pull-ups at a local park.

    House key fell out of my pocket, but I didn’t realize until I got home.

    Had to run another 5k back to the park at break-neck speed. Thankfully, it was still there on the ground.

    Bless you, key gremlins, for sparing me a grim fate.

  10. I love the fact that food trucks have really exploded and become a thing in Tokyo in like the last 5 years or so. I go into the office once or twice a week, and I’m having a lot of fun finding new trucks to try out. (I recommend the Shop Stop app for anyone who wants to do the same! It gives you a list of all of the trucks in your area listed by distance)

    And food truck owners are so nice! If they’re not super slammed I find that they usually start up conversation with you, and are super friendly too. It’s nice to have that kind of interaction that you just wouldn’t get from staff working at a regular store or restaurant.

  11. Cancelled ntt flets Hikari this morning. There was no waiting and the lady who spoke to me in English was so kind and understanding. God bless her. Now I have to try to cancel the pain in ass yahoo bb aka softbank service.

  12. The 390 yen 500g bag of battered squid at Gyoumu Super

    Got a breadmaker for 2200 yen on Mercari last last week. It works amazing and bread is tasty.

    Brought a custom shirt with the album cover of Too Weird To Live Too Rare To Die printed on it and it came out perfect. The first piece of clothing I brought because I wanted since coming over to Japan and I’m very happy it’s this.


    Interviewed for 2 part time jobs at different convenience stores and I’m quite positive I’ll get at least one. Pays pretty much the same as the previous shit job if I work 6-9am.

    Patdtwt and my mutuals. I love waking up to talk to them, to have someone to talk to about music and bands I love so much and other things too. Love being nice to people online.

    My family ❤️. I love video calling them, it’s a riot always.

    Woke up at 5 this morning to work on an assignment, listening to music all the while. Felt so peaceful. I think I’ll do this more often and sleep early at night. I’m rarely productive at night anyways.

    My life might be a mess, I might be behind a lot of my assignments, not really know what to do where to go in the future and should not hope for more than a pass on my core subjects (biology chemistry biochemistry) but I think I’m happy and I don’t think my future is too bleak. I think I’ll be just fine if I hold on and keep up. 😊

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