Gokiburi advice

Give me all your advice/tips for preventing cockroaches spreading!

Have run into two medium-sized cockroaches in/near my house. First was on the front walk, it was garbage collection day so everyone places their bags on the curb and I assumed it was attracted by the garbage.
Second time was tonight and it was in the living room, I have no idea how it got in, as the windows and doors have all been shut all day. I think it may be a loose air-circulation vent but not sure.

Most of you are probably not worried about two cockroaches, but this is in our newly-built house we just moved to in September. The neighborhood was developed in the 80’s, so we are surrounded by old homes. The house directly across the street is empty, so there could be multiple nests nearby….. fuck I don’t want to deal with roaches already.

Please help.

Also this is in Fukuoka btw.

  1. Keep a can of roach spray at home and pray to the cockroach gods that they go somewhere else?

    I use the gokiburi hoihoi and havent seen any of the lil buggers.

  2. I live in an old funky 1980s rental home in one of those older claustrophobic neighborhoods and I have only had spiders, ants, and we had a termite scare when we move in that thankfully was resolved by the landlord very quickly.

    I don’t /think/ they really make preventative treatment for bugs readily available here like they do in the states (at least to my knowledge. Someone may comment later with a better option) but I’ll just buy OTC sprays from cainz or what have you, and spray the crevasses around the house weekly or as needed. Since I started doing that, we haven’t had a single bug in the house the last I want to say. . . . . . four months?

    I have to watch the stair well because it’s got the basement/storage right under it, and all in all the unit in general is a poorly insulated property, so they can get in through just about any door, or the older cooking vent in the kitchen.

    But for me, it’s just been keeping things inaccessible, and OTC bug sprays in treads and cracks.

  3. You will never be able to keep your house clean enough to deprive cockroaches of food. The trick is to make the poison more attractive than the food.

    So that means:
    1/. clean as much as you can to make the food scarce (and don’t leave empty cardboard boxes around too)
    2/. Place the little black cap things in the corners of every room so that they are easy to get at for the buggers.

  4. Roaches can enter your house in many different ways. This is mentioned in every roach thread, but buy those poisonous traps like ブラックキャップ(Black Cap). They work like magic for most people.

  5. Cockroach hotels work best long term.

    But, you’re just going to have to accept cockroaches in Japan – they’re going to wander in and out of your house up drains, toilets, under doors. It’s not really a problem unless you start seeing the tiny ones (juvenile nymphs), as they are living in your home, and can hibernate over winter; then you might consider nuking the place.

  6. Clean often. Bag left over food immediately. DO NOT let water accumulate in any part of your house, put a mesh on the tube that connects your Aircon to the outside.

    You will still get the occasional one during summer or if you keep your house really warm during winter.

  7. We put roach bait traps in areas where they’re likely to be. We rarely see any, though, because our West Highland White Terrier always takes takes them out if they go scurrying across the floor, along with any other small creatures that have the misfortune of meeting up with him.

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