Native English speakers often have trouble with your/you’re. Is there something native Japanese people often have trouble with?

Native English speakers also often confuse their/there/they’re.

1 comment
  1. I’ve seen native speakers get が and は wrong, so that’s a thing that happens sometimes.

    There’s also words like 雰囲気 (ふんいき) that often get mispronounced to ふいんき to a point where now it’s considered an “alternate spelling” in some dictionaries (although it’s still wrong).

    There’s stuff like 間髪を入れず which is かんはつをいれず but a lot of people mispronounce it as かん__ぱ__つをいれず (which is wrong).

    And in general there’s a lot of guessing and misreading of certain kanji and certain words, especially uncommon ones. I think some time ago some politician (don’t recall if it was Abe) misread 云々 (うんぬん) as でんでん too.

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