Want to pay your bills and charge Pay Pay with a foreign credit card? Here you go

Seems like this topic comes up from time to time. With the exchange rate as it is, if you have the benefit of a foreign credit card AND a SoftBank, YMobile or Linemo account, you can charge pay pay with your foreign credit card.

This is very advantageous not only for general shopping, but you can also pay your pension, city tax, health insurance premiums, utilities and other bills (anything with a barcode) with PayPay. That means you can pay all of the above with a foreign credit card with no service charge, and get credit card benefits like points or cash back depending on your card.

Again, you must have a SoftBank/YMobile/Linemo phone account.

1. ⁠Go to SoftBank to register your foreign card as the default to pay your phone bills.

2. ⁠PayPay app/account/Links with external services. Then link your SoftBank/YMobile/Linemo account

3. ⁠PayPay app/Top up. The default is always the PayPay card (formerly known as Yahoo Card), but click on that and switch to SoftBank. Charge as you like and now you are indirectly charging PayPay with your foreign card. Pay your bills or go shopping at places that don’t usually take foreign credit cards and enjoy the benefits

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