Best location for private lessons, suggestions?

I am a foreigner currrently in Hiroshima with plans to learn Japanese within my 6 months of stay. After days of vigorous search for small Japanese classes, I ended up finding only private lessons. At this point I’m willing to give it a try.
However, before actually applying, I ran into a problem, which is the location of the lesson. My only idea is a coffee shop but I’m worried about annoying other customers. Is there any place I can talk in normal conservation volume with my tutor without disturbing other customers?

  1. I’ve always taken private lessons through a language school, partly because of the issue you brought up. I know it’s more expensive, but I appreciate the convenience.

    If you’re doing privates outside a school and new in town, why not ask your teacher for a suggestion?

    Otherwise, I’d probably default to the nearest Starbucks or whatever large-ish coffee shop there is.

    Hopefully you will get better suggestions! And good luck.

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