Rejected for Permanent Residency

I got a letter saying my application was rejected and basically that if I wanted to know the reason I had to visit the immigration office. Did anyone get the reason for rejection in writing or is a verbal reason the normal?

  1. When I first applied, I got a letter saying why I got rejected.
    I applied 2 years later and was approved.

    I got a letter saying that I did not meet the requirements because my income was not high enough. At that time, I was working at part time jobs and only making like 2.5M per year, so it was pretty low.

  2. It should give you the “this is the box your application didn’t tick” summary in the letter, but if you want a detailed explanation as to why you you need to go to the immigration office.

    It’s generally a good idea to do so, because for example if your income didn’t meet a certain threshold they will tell you when and by how much. Good information to have for your next application.

    (disclaimer: I was approved on my first try, but I have friends who were rejected and did the postmortem meeting, which let them know how long they needed to wait to be able to reapply w/ confidence.)

  3. I was rejected on the first try, not even a general reason, said I had to go to immigration office for the reason. This was during covid when you couldn’t even enter the building without lining up outside for 3 hours, so I gave up.

    Haven’t had the courage to reapply since then despite knowing 100% I am eligible.

    I guess the solution is to pay an agent to make sure you ticked the boxes correctly with checks instead of crosses, though the few I have asked demand insanely high fees for an application which “should” be doable by the applicant.

  4. That’s the reason why I had an immigration lawyer handle my PR application. He was so thorough he made it almost impossible for them to find a reason to deny the application.

  5. dont pay for a lawyer. go to immigration, i was rejected once due to a small number being wrong on my previous years tax filing. people at the tax office laughed at me when i told them to fix it. they said it wouldnt change anything. i insisted then reapplied for pr one week later. got approved the 2nd time.

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