For those that have found ALT positions through LINK Japan, are there any issues, tips or an advice that you could give me?

I frequently go through the GaijinPot website and I found a offer through LINK Japan for December 2022. I don’t know much on the company and how it operates. However I would like to ask those who got accepted/attempted to apply, what advice you got could give me? Thanks!

  1. Yeah, it’s just another name for Interac. They are one of the ‘better’ ALT companies. But as usual, how good your job is depends on your colleagues, your school, and your own work ethic.

  2. So, Interac (Link) is a relatively painless way to get into Japan.

    That’s about the only good point I can think of. Basically this company does the absolute bare minimum for its employees. The pay is terrible with pay raises being extremely rare. It’s livable, but only with a second job (in the city). The company will do nothing to help you in the schools, so you better hope you like the people you work with.

    I could go on, but I think you get the idea. Certainly not the worst job one can get, but don’t go in with high expectations either. Always watch out for yourself, and don’t let them take advantage of you.

  3. From what I can figure out with them is that they can get you an ALT position in any part of Interac. There are branches of Interac also posting on Gaijinpot, but only for their office area. You’d probably have a better chance of getting a job somewhere with them.

  4. Its a job you use mainly to get you a work visa. Once here, most people jump ship to something else, usually better.

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