
Is there some app/website that a) shows furigana above kanji, and b) allows you to choose which kanji don’t have them?
I’d like to be able to have the furigana to google new kanji for their meanings, but also be able to have a list of those already memorized to be w/o the furi.
Does anything like this exist?

  1. [Satori Reader](https://www.satorireader.com/) does this. It’s a site with a bunch of Japanese reading material, and it lets you input a list of which kanji you already know and remove the furigana from those. You can also connect it directly to some kanji learning sites like WaniKani, so that it automatically adjusts as you learn new kanji.

  2. Why not just use a pop-up dictionary, e.g. Yomichan? What’s the point in maintaining a list of words you do and do not want to see furigana for when you can just click on any word you want to see how it is pronounced?

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