Couple arrested for leaving 2 children unattended while they played pachinko; 1 child dies

Couple arrested for leaving 2 children unattended while they played pachinko; 1 child dies

  1. Tell me you’re a chimney-smoking ヤンキー with an over-decorated family van that’s lowered to the floor and 50 screens for watching shitty DVDs and 1-seg TV without telling me you’re a chimney-smoking ヤンキー with an over-decorated family van that’s lowered to the floor and 50 screens for watching shitty DVDs and 1-seg TV.

  2. Highly educated professionals are having very few kids while lower educated lower income families are breeding like crazy. Pachinko parlours with parking lots help even the numbers a bit.

  3. Oh! It’s one of the 4 seasons in Japan!

    Did you know that Japan has four unique seasons?

    Now it’s the “leave your kids in a car so that they bake” season!

    Japan is so unique! Can’t you just feel the culture?

  4. So the guy is 35 and the wife is below 18 (Assume 17). They older boy is two years old. Meaning the guy impregnated her when she was 14 / he was 32. That’s messed up.

    Hope the other child will end up in better care.

  5. But did they win at the pachinko?

    edit: The fuck are the downvotes for? Not that I care I’m just confused.

  6. Disgusting! Also him being 35 with a minor teenage wife is disgusting. Predator and child abuser

  7. seems about right. You should be arrested for leaving a toddler and an infant alone for 14 hours.

  8. In my country there is a saying, entrusting a child to a child is never a good idea. Yeah i mean the teenage mother…

  9. > 35-year-old man and his teenage wife

    So that’s what people mean when they say “Japanese culture is superior to Western culture” 😂

  10. Well there are arseholes worldwide Japan luckily does not have this happen as commonly as western places and sadly in the west it’s barely seen as breaking news

  11. This is why children shouldn’t parent children. A 35 year old married to at most a 17 year old is fucked.

  12. At first I was wondering how two kids were allowed into a pachinko parlour. And if they choked on some metal balls or something.

  13. Really depressing. I wonder what happened to the dead kid, that shouldn’t quite be long enough for him to starve… Actually no I don’t it’ll just depress me.

    Reminds me of a story in the UK not too long ago of a woman going partying for a weekend and just abandoning her toddler to die.

    Some people really need to have their cell mates artistically chosen.

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