BriefJapanese – How to use こと? What does きみのことがすき means? こと uses explained.

At a certain stage of learning Japanese, we all encounter a noun こと. At first, we learn it in expressions like ことがある and it does not seem all that complicated. But eventually set expressions using こと start popping up one after another, and what is worst they all seem very similar and complicated like ということは. The goal of this text is to list many of those uses and explain them in simple words so that you can return them whenever you want and use them as a reference.

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**Basic uses of こと (ones that appear in N5-N3 books and are not old-fashioned):**


Used for nominalization (to make it possible to treat a verb as a noun)


Do you think that I said something wrong?

>!ハーサルに 参加\[さんか\]することは 禁\[きん\]じられています。!<


They are prohibited from participating in rehearsal.

[If you are interested in differences between の and こと you can read this:](



It is used to refer to a thought or statement without referring to it specifically.

>! 面白\[おもしろ\]いことを 話\[はな\]しましょう。 !<


I will tell you a funny thing.

>! 私\[わたし\]の 知\[し\]らない 事\[こと\]は? !<


What are the things I don’t know?


Used to indicate a fact (a thing that is known or proved to be true). ということ might be used to make sentences easier to understand when こと follows a longer clause, distancing oneself from the information.

>! 彼\[かれ\]のために 死\[し\]ぬことを 知\[し\]っている。 !<


I know (the fact) that you would die for him.


When ことがある follows the short form of the verb it means that something happens from time to time/occasionally. こと acts as a nominalizer and がある indicate the existence of what you are talking about. It is often used together with \_disjunctive\_ conjunctions like しかし (however)

>! ラーメンを 食\[しょく\]たべることがある。 !<


I eat ramen occasionaly.

>!しかしながら、 時\[とき\]としてワクチンの 悪影響\[あくえいきょう\]が 出現\[しゅつげん\]することがある。!<


However, vaccine adverse effects occasionally arise.


When ことがある follows a past form of the verb it indicates that one experienced doing something at least once in the past (but not necessarily does it nowadays).

>!寿司\[すし\]を 食\[た\]べたことがある。!<


I ate sushi (in the past).

>!寿司\[すし\]を 食\[た\]べていたことがある。!<


I’ve been eating sushi for some time before.

>! 寿司\[すし\]を 食\[た\]べたことがない。!<


I have never eaten sushi.


This means’ no need to’ or ‘never happens.

>!そんなに 心配\[しんぱい\]することはないよ。!<


No need to worry that much.

>!フィジーは 雪\[ゆき\]を 見\[み\]ることはない。!<


You never see snow in Fiji.


Is used when someone has the ability to do something (in this case it can be replaced with potential form, ことができる feels slightly more formal) or when something is possible to do.

>!日本語\[にほんご\]を 少\[すこ\]し 話\[はな\]すことができる。!<


She can speak a bit of Japanese.

>!切手\[きって\]はどの 郵便局\[ゆうびんきょく\]でも 買\[か\]うことができる。!<


It is possible to buy stamps at any post office.

>!この 赤ん坊\[あかんぼう\]はまだ 歩\[ある\]くことができない。!<


This baby cannot walk yet.


Meaning ‘what do you mean’ or ‘what does XXX mean’?


What does UNICEF mean?

>!この 間\[あいだ\]の 1 万\[まん\] 円\[えん\]、 返\[かえ\]してよ。!<


>!他\[ほか\]の 人\[ひと\]と 間違\[まちが\]えているの?!<


Please give me back my 10 000 yen, which I’ve lent you recently.

What do you mean? Aren’t you confusing me with someone else?


Used with words of feelings (like 好き), thoughts and perception indicate not only object A, but also everything surrounding it like memories, voice, smell, etc.


Do you like (love) me?


Do you remember about the party?


I think about her day and night.


Tell us a bit about Mary.


I just heard about the president.


Meaning ‘about’ and is usually used when asking about something. Used with a limited number of expressions like 質問する 、質問がある 、相談する 、話す and 話がある.


I have to ask you a few questions about the time when that happened.


I have a story to tell about him.



Indicates decision or strong determination. にする by itself also indicates a decision, but it has to follow a noun.


Dominic decided to diet.


I decided to return home early.


Indicates habit or something is done on schedule due to the decision of the speaker/writer.


No matter how busy I am, I make sure to eat breakfast.


I make it a rule to study Japanese every day.


This means ‘to pretend that something is the case while the reality is different. Follows past form of the verb.


I was angry yesterday, so can you pretend that that conversation didn’t happen?

かぜをひいたことにして学校を休んだ 。

I took off from school pretending that I had a cold.


Similar to ことにする, but since なる is intransitive it indicates that some kind of decision has been made by 3rd party like a company/group. It can also indicate a natural result or the consequence of something (something happening by itself).


It has been decided that I will go on a business trip.


Similar to ことにしている but intransitive. Indicates rules, laws, and social customs. Technically, it describes rules decided upon at some point in time by people other than the speaker (company, school) and still enforced.


This mountain is not to be climbed.


This apartment does not allow keeping pets.


an expression meaning “should” or ‘it’s best to (in these circumstances)’ that is used to give advice.


Students should obey teachers.


You should try trusting him this time.


You should not give up.


Used to state the meaning, definition of a phrase or draw conclusions from some situation.


‘満身創痍’ means to be injured all over the body. (explanation of meaning)


I have been bitten by a vampire, so I will turn into one. (drawing conclusion)


Used to draw conclusion B from situation A.


The car with four seats means that one of us will have to go by train.


I have been bitten by a vampire, so I will turn into one.


Indicates hearsay – that is something heard or learned from other people, newspapers, and so on.


She said to start the meeting without her.


According to Tanaka-sensei, the cure for cancer has been finally found.


They say that he will leave Tokyo soon.


Personのことだから expresses that due to that person’s character, and typical behavior, the following is very likely to happen. Usually used when talking about people we know well.

彼のことだから ピザでも買いに行ったんじゃない?

Knowing him, he probably went to buy pizza or something, right?


Knowing her, she surely forgot about it.


is used to state reason/cause, implying that there are other reasons as well. Comes from し, but unlike it – it is not repeated, more strongly indicates reason/cause, and is considered a bit more polite. Often indicates a good occasion to do something (followed by words of invitation or suggestion), or when following a noun indicating person it is similar to ことだから indicating speaker judges to be likely based on that person’s character or habits.


Knowing him, he will surely win.


The weather is bad, so shall we play games?

**Advanced (or old-fashioned) uses of こと:**


The formal written language indicates an imperative or prohibition. Often can be found in manuals and so on. In this use, こと follows a short form of the verb and must not be followed by だ・です.

>! 労働基準法\[ろうどうきじゅんほう\]を 遵守\[じゅんしゅ\]すること。!<


Obey the Labour Standards Law.

>!ナチュラルな 製品\[せいひん\]を 使\[つか\]うこと。!<


Use natural products.

>!試験中\[しけんちゅう\]は 話\[はな\]さないこと!<


Do not talk during the exam.


Used in female speech to express surprise, admiration, or wonder. Usually used by the older generation.

>!かわいい 娘\[むすめ\]だこと!!<


What a cute daughter!

>!この 子供\[こども\] 7なの?まあ、 大\[おお\]きいこと。!<

この子供7なの? まあ、大きいこと。

This child is 7 years old? My my, how big she is!


Used to express exclamation in written language, usually with words expressing extent or number of iterations like ほど、どんなに、どれだけ、何度, etc.

>!これがなんと 素晴\[すば\]らしい 贈り物\[おくりもの\]だったことか! !<


What a wonderful gift that was!

>!どれほど 貢献\[こうけん\]してきたことか!!<


How much we have accomplished!


Meaning ‘from the fact’ and is used when someone arrives at a certain conclusion based on facts, or very often when something is named from something.

>!白\[しろ\] 漆喰\[しっくい\]で 塗\[ぬ\]られた 城壁\[じょうへき\]の 美\[うつく\]しさことから 白鷺城\[しらさぎじょう\]と 呼\[よ\]ばれるようになった。!<


It is called Shirasagijo (White Egret Castle) because of the beauty of its white plastered walls.

>!アルミが 軽\[かる\]いことから 航空\[こうくう\] 業界\[ぎょうかい\]で 使\[つか\]われています!<


Aluminum is used in the aviation industry because it is very light.


Coming from 殊 ‘especially’, it adverbially emphasizes emotion.

>!幸\[さいわ\]いなことにコピーを 取\[と\]ってた! !<


Luckily, I made a copy!

>!喜\[よろこ\]ばしいことにその 日\[ひ\]がやってきました! !<


Happily, that day has arrived!


Following いう、おっしゃる and similar expressions. Indicates a person whose remark is discussed.

>!彼\[かれ\]の 言\[い\]うことには 多\[おお\]くの 真理\[しんり\]がある !<


There is a lot of truth in what he says.

>!メアリーの 言\[い\]うことには、 銀行\[ぎんこう\]は 午後\[ごご\] 5 時\[じ\]に 閉\[し\]まる。!<


According to Mary, the bank closes at 5 p.m.


Meaning ‘unless’ A is fulfilled, B is impossible, or something bad will happen.

>!これを 完成\[かんせい\]させないことには 死\[し\]んでも 死\[し\]にきれない。!<


I cannot die until I finish this.

>!現場\[げんば\]を 見\[み\]ないことには 判断\[はんだん\]しかねるだろう。!<

現場を見ないことには 判断しかねるだろう。

I cannot make the decision unless I see the place.


Classical Japanese expression stating reason/cause, usually when asking for forgiveness.

It went out of use in modern language.

>!知\[し\]らぬこととて、 失礼\[しつれい\]をお 許\[ゆる\]しください!<


Please forgive me for my rudeness due to my lack of knowledge.


Meaning to ‘to take advantage of someone/something to do something bad.

>!私\[わたし\]が 知\[し\]らないのをいいことに 彼\[かれ\]は 私\[わたし\]をだました。!<


He took advantage of my ignorance and deceived me.

>!彼女\[かのじょ\]は 我々\[われわれ\]のもてなしをいいことに、 一銭\[いっせん\]も 払\[はら\]わずに 丸一ヶ月\[まるいっかげつ\] 滞在\[たいざい\]した。!<


She took advantage of our hospitality and stayed a whole month without paying us anything.


Meaning ‘for nothing’ ‘as expected’. Follows a reason that leads to a POSITIVE and noteworthy result. Cannot be used in negative context.

>!流暢\[りゅうちょう\]な 英語\[えいご\]を 話\[はな\]すことができます。 彼\[かれ\]は 留学\[りゅうがく\]しただけのことはある。!<


He can speak fluent English. He hasn’t studied abroad for nothing.

>!大会\[たいかい\]で 優勝\[ゆうしょう\]した。 苦心\[くしん\]しただけのことはある。!<


She won the competition. As expected from the hard work she did.


Means without doing something. Similar to ないで.

>!真実\[しんじつ\]を 知\[し\]ることなく 終\[お\]わる。!<


It will end \*\*without\*\* me knowing\*\* the truth.

>!遅\[おく\]れることなく 到着\[とうちゃく\]した。 !<


I arrived without being late.


Indicates prohibition.



Do not come near.


Used when an action or state is widely thought to be positive, often expresses ideal action.

>! 長い間\[ながいあいだ\]の 入院\[にゅういん\]の 後\[のち\]では、 退院\[たいいん\]できるに 越\[こ\]したことはない。!<


\*\*There is nothing better than\*\* being able to leave the hospital after a long hospitalization.


A formal phrase meaning ‘not only but also’.

>!老\[お\]いたネコが 怪異\[かいい\]を 為\[な\]すという 俗信\[ぞくしん\]は 日本\[にっぽん\]に 限\[かぎ\]ったことではない。!<


Folk believes that cats cause supernatural phenomena and are not limited to Japan.

>!この 牛乳\[ぎゅうにゅう\] 離\[ばな\]れの 現象\[げんしょう\]はカナダに 限\[かぎ\]ったことではない。!<


Decreasing milk consumption is not a phenomenon particular to Canada.

**AもさることながらB, C** ‘it goes without saying

Meaning that not only A but also B. It implies that B is better than A.


The unemployment problem is important, but so are environmental issues.


Besides the beautiful views of the area, the regional cuisine is also of great interest.

That’s all! I hope you will be able to understand こと next time you will see it.


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I am mrnoone, and this was briefjapanese.

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