50? Maybe try more like 10-20 per day. 50 sounds like way too much for one day unless you’re really putting in the work but even then 30-40 should be enough lol
I’m using the wanikani ultimate ([https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/266084933](https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/266084933)) deck, and have been for just over a year now. [Edit – this [https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/283056936](https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/283056936) seems to be a more advanced version than the one I am using!]
I started out learning 20 new cards a day to begin with (I already knew some of the early ones, so it wasn’t so difficult), but that became tough to keep up after a couple of months, witharound 180 reviews every day. so I cut down to 10 new cards a day, and that gives me about 80 – 90 reviews (including new cards) every day, which seems to be the right balance of novelty to retention for me.
You just have to be patient during the initial enthusiasm where you are tempted to learn more and more new vocabulary, without thinking about how sustainable it’s going to be long term, but it has really helped my vocabulary expand!
I’ve had a lot of success tag teaming the Kanji In Context deck (I think it’s this one: https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/1996057559), with making my own using the Kanji In Context Workbook (which has sentence and phrases). Seeing the words I’ve learned in sentences helps things stick a little bit better.
I stay at 10 new cards a day for each deck. The reviews build up fast and burning out on reviews just isn’t worth it.
Jeez, 50?! Using Anki is a marathon, not a sprint. I feel like picking the new card number is about finding a sustainable rate, not about finding something you *can* do in a day. Maybe doing 50 isn’t very hard for you, but I wouldn’t recommend that for most people.
I use 3 decks:
* Japanese Core 2000 Step 01 * Japanese V2K * 初めての日本語能力試験-単語
For a long time I was doing 5 new cards per day, which becomes 15 total over 3 decks. Now that I’m in a more intense buildup to an exam in December, I’m doing 10 new cards per day (30 total). It’s not so difficult when you spread it over the course of a day.
Not come across this before how does the programme work? Looks interesting.
I make my own cards, since for me it makes me better remember the words and also I can add whatever I am currently learning is red of being forces to learn whatever the deck forces me to, without any context
50? Maybe try more like 10-20 per day. 50 sounds like way too much for one day unless you’re really putting in the work but even then 30-40 should be enough lol
I’m using the wanikani ultimate ([https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/266084933](https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/266084933)) deck, and have been for just over a year now. [Edit – this [https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/283056936](https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/283056936) seems to be a more advanced version than the one I am using!]
I started out learning 20 new cards a day to begin with (I already knew some of the early ones, so it wasn’t so difficult), but that became tough to keep up after a couple of months, witharound 180 reviews every day. so I cut down to 10 new cards a day, and that gives me about 80 – 90 reviews (including new cards) every day, which seems to be the right balance of novelty to retention for me.
You just have to be patient during the initial enthusiasm where you are tempted to learn more and more new vocabulary, without thinking about how sustainable it’s going to be long term, but it has really helped my vocabulary expand!
I’ve had a lot of success tag teaming the Kanji In Context deck (I think it’s this one: https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/1996057559), with making my own using the Kanji In Context Workbook (which has sentence and phrases). Seeing the words I’ve learned in sentences helps things stick a little bit better.
I stay at 10 new cards a day for each deck. The reviews build up fast and burning out on reviews just isn’t worth it.
Jeez, 50?! Using Anki is a marathon, not a sprint. I feel like picking the new card number is about finding a sustainable rate, not about finding something you *can* do in a day. Maybe doing 50 isn’t very hard for you, but I wouldn’t recommend that for most people.
I use 3 decks:
* Japanese Core 2000 Step 01
* Japanese V2K
* 初めての日本語能力試験-単語
For a long time I was doing 5 new cards per day, which becomes 15 total over 3 decks. Now that I’m in a more intense buildup to an exam in December, I’m doing 10 new cards per day (30 total). It’s not so difficult when you spread it over the course of a day.
Not come across this before how does the programme work? Looks interesting.
I make my own cards, since for me it makes me better remember the words and also I can add whatever I am currently learning is red of being forces to learn whatever the deck forces me to, without any context