Triple Tozen Union Demo in Tokyo

Today Tozen members and allies held three demos in Tokyo. We started with Shane’s head office in Kanda, went on to Kanda Gaigo Daigaku, and finished off at Interac’s luxurious head office in Ginza. Join us. Join the good fight. Unite!

[December 21, 2021 – Interac Demo in Ginza](

  1. End poverty wages. The industry standards have only decreased over time.

    Good luck with the fight, its nice to see a lot of allies with you here.

  2. Did these members actually take (without permission) a day off work to protest their conditions?

    How have the companies reacted?

    Good luck.

  3. I was shocked to see interac employees earn just 2.4-2.7 before taxes…. That’s not an entry level salary in any type of corporation requiring a degree.

  4. Hey, I know one of these guys! He’s not exactly high up in the company but he’s significantly above normal teachers and he’s been in the company for a long time. Props to him for going out there!

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