Cold medicine during pregnancy

Sorry guys, the clinic is closed until Tuesday and I’ve been miserable all weekend. I have a runny nose, sneezing, congestion and I’m 35 weeks pregnant. Anyone know any otc cold medicine that you or a spouse have used while pregnant? I’m surviving on expired Theraflu but it’s running out and I just want to sleep.

  1. Yes go see a doctor and they can prescribe and advise you. Don’t listen to Redditors who aren’t doctors.

    Our doctor gave some different prescriptions but advised against taking any unless we felt absolutely necessary.

    Also, did your doctor advise you to take Theraflu?

    I am not a doctor.

  2. just go to the pharmacy and ask for a cold medicine for pregnant. Most probably they will give you one of those Chinese herbal meds. They work sometimes. I’d take those and a Tylenol for the pain. Good luck

  3. Ask your regular lady doc.

    They can probably give you the flu vaccine too, if you’ve not got it already.

  4. When I was pregnant I went to my obgyn when I caught a cold and he gave me what I needed – not kampo! But any doctor will know what is safe to prescribe for pregnant women.

  5. My wife used to get カロナール from a doctor when she was pregnant. It’s lower dose and safer for pregnant women.

    Now you can get them at pharmacy that does prescription (not drug store). You don’t really need doctor’s prescription, just talk to the pharmacist, explain you’re pregnant, and they should be able to give you some カロナール.

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