I’m rather miffed that sushi joints are lying and calling their moriawase platters “omakase” nowadays, just to capitalize on the trendiness of the word. That’s not what omakase is. Omakase is serve-as-you-go, possibly lightly customized. It’s not some preset sampler platter you get all at once.

I’m rather miffed that sushi joints are lying and calling their moriawase platters “omakase” nowadays, just to capitalize on the trendiness of the word. That’s not what omakase is. Omakase is serve-as-you-go, possibly lightly customized. It’s not some preset sampler platter you get all at once.

  1. Not necessarily, im pretty sure an omakase is simply the chefs choice, it basically means “I’ll leave it up to you”

  2. I’ve been ranting about this in the US.

    Omakase is now just “expensive sushi combo” in so many places. People will defend it saying “omakase is the chefs choice so it fits”. In that case, everything is omakase.

    One place in NYC I went to had their “omakase” menu burnt into wood as their menu. That’s how permanent it was.

    My last true omakase place I went to, the chef engaged with me and then set out a few pieces and apps. His assistant showed off some choice pieces before the next few courses, which were designed based on my reactions and discourse. My friend ended up getting different pieces than me because that’s the point.

    Not everything has to be omakase. I can enjoy the hell out of a $50 sushi Jo set. This is just capitalizing and taking advantage of gullible people who want to experience this trend. Im not hating on the guests who order it, I just wish we could raise our expectations.

    I am happy to see that sushi restaurants have their evolving in many parts of the world recently. Multiple shrimp options, different types of tuna cuts, more interesting types of white fish, and fun combinations.

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