What doctors to see for chronic coughing?

Over the last month I noticed that I have developed symptoms similar to asthma, but not very severe. Initially I thought I had a cold or something so didn’t really pay attention, but since it has been quite some time now I would like to get it checked out soon. I know Japan currently is still rather sensitive on patient who has symptoms like coughing or fever, but is there any English speaking place that I can visit for this kind of thing? I don’t even know what kind of doctors I should see (i.e. general physicians? specialists?)

Any information helps, thank you in advance.

  1. Is it a dry or wet cough? At a glance, internal medicine 内科 would be the go to place for lung related issues.

  2. I’d recommend looking for a local ENT (Ear-Nose-Throat) clinic. Don’t worry so much about the language barrier. Bring your translation app of choice and keep a positive attitude and you should be able to get sorted.

  3. I had this issue. For years. I just assumed it was allergies but one of my adult students told me her daughter had the same problem. She went to a doctor and was diagnosed with asthma. I went and I also was diagnosed and given an inhaler.

    I was also given an allergy test because I think there is mold somewhere in my apartment. I bought an air purifier and put it by my bed. It has helped a lot.

    I just went to my regular doctor. 🤷‍♀️

  4. Adult onset asthma is really common these days, and I know several people who were afflicted by a persistent wheezy cough that turned out to asthma. It’s easy to diagnose and treat. You should go to an ENT clinic. Get word of mouth recommendations if you can, the good places are *really* good.

    Don’t worry about language. There’s a basic patient form that you need to fill out first, but chances are that a staff member will help you with it (and these days many clinics have an English version).

    Just learn the Japanese vocabulary for your major symptoms, the tests will take care of the rest.

    Don’t delay. Get well soon!

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