私は月曜日約束があります why not 私は月曜日に約束があります

I’m learning Japanese using Minna no Nihongo book, I encountered this sentence and can’t understand why there is no に after 月曜日. Answers at the end of the book say that 私は月曜日約束があります is the correct answer

  1. days of the week don’t need the particle after them. they can, but they don’t need it. i don’t think the second version here is incorrect

  2. And don’t be surprised if you NEVER hear particles in spoken Japanese. I lived in Kansai. Hardly ever used except in classrooms/ceremonies/formal situations.

  3. The latter one sounds more formal. The former is okay tho. I’m a native speaker.

  4. beware, time phrases don’t always need particles, in fact they’re often wrong to insert at all. XにYがある situations generally make it ok because that’s a strong pattern, so the latter is probably technically correct but uncommon or stiff and formal. however in other situations where it’s not XにYがある, a time phrase usually doesn’t have a particle other than sometimes は if specifically trying to be comparative/contrastive.

    also, for simple questions, there’s a daily thread aimed at beginners to put a comment on over on /r/learnjapanese

  5. 私は月曜日約束があります sounds strange. go with the latter and take out 私は unless its critical for context

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