Why are there no elderly gaijin?

I was reading the comments in the “Iranian phone card” post and people were talking about who’s been here the longest.

Out of all the people I know I don’t know anyone who was here before the 80s and I don’t know any western foreigners older than MAYBE 60 here.

Do people just pack up and leave when they’re past working age? Where are the 80-90yo westerners?

  1. There are, but they are mostly Chinese or from poorer countries, not enough time has passed for older western (white, there are elderly non-white people here but its rare) people to come here, decide to stay despite the difficulties and get old in any sizable force. Most older people are from countries where Japan offered a superior quality of life compared to their home country. The exception to this is China but that’s only because of how rapidly they developed so many older people came when they were younger when Japan was objectively just better and just made lives here.

  2. There aren’t many people who are willing to commit to being an outsider for the rest of their life, and then stick to that for the next 40 years.

    Even now, when it’s considerably easier and more common than it would have been then.

    A family friend is and older guy who has been here since the 70s. He’s pretty lonely, apart from his wife. There aren’t many people who can relate to his experiences.

  3. Probably dead. Longest person I know that’s been here is obese and isn’t slowing down…not going to make it to 50.

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