how do I use the japanese keybord?

I started playing a japanese videogame so I use google translate for obvius reasons. the problem is, when I try to write a phase using kanji, it doesn’t appear. it just show me the katakana and hiragana.

the phrase is this: 秒間効果(I writed that with my hand).

according with google translate, the pronunciation is: Byōkan kōka.

for now I’m basing on the pronunciation to write it.

what i have to do? am I doing it right? any suggestion?

btw, sorry if my english is not the best… I do what I can ⊂⁠(⁠・⁠﹏⁠・⁠⊂⁠)

1 comment
  1. Do you mean on your laptop? If you have the Japanese IME keyboard once you write the word out and see the hiragana if you press the space bar it should give you a list of Kanji.

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