insurance question


I am going on a one year study abroad and I’m confused about insurance. Where I’m from (Sweden), the idea of not being insured, like having your rental apartment insured, a “oops I messed up and dropped my phone in the toilet please help” insurance is super scary.

I’ve been trying to read up on insurance I’m Japan as a foreign student and I’m not sure what my options are?

All the comments and articles all seem to come from an American perspective and only talk about the mandatory NHI and potential travel insurance for 1-3 weeks after arrival. But what about all the other stuff? Like say I accidentally burn down the kitchen in the apartment I’m staying at or I break a super expensive Vase at some institution and they demand I pay, where is my insurance for that?

I’ve of course spoken with my insurance company here in Sweden and they don’t have any international solutions for me.

Sorry if this question is super ignorant, I’m just very confused.

I signed up for a travel insurance that would cover my entire trip. I can still get my whole premium back since it hasn’t kicked in yet but I just want to know if there are any better options. It was kind of expensive.

Would appreciate any input!

  1. Rental apartment almost certainly require fire insurance, which is usually quoted to you by the realtor. That is, if you actually rent an apartment.

    Your university should have comprehensive student insurance plan available, which should cover most thing at home, during commute, and at the school. Best ask your school.

    I don’t know about “break a super expensive Vase at some institution” insurance though.

  2. OK… so, if we put aside the NHI, which is kind of a magic insurance for our American friends but a “meh, that’s fine but could do better” from a European perspective….

    * You have the almost-mandatory fire insurance when you rent something, which covers you burning down the kitchen, but be careful, will you ?
    * Riding a bicycle or a car will mean you will have to subscribe to a private insurance, those are quite cheap and also mandatory depending on where you live.
    * the super expensive vase thing is the “I am careful when I go to a museum” insurance, but besides this it’s called a civil liability insurance. It’s not -that- expensive, many if not all companies actually have civil liability insurances policies set up for all the employees (in case your employee fucks up the super expensive roboto from the client), I’ll admit I have no idea when it comes to students… though I have NEVER heard of a student subscribing to a civil liabiliy insurance… but it may exist.

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