Seeking recommended Japanese books about Buddhism, as practiced in Japan

Title says most of it. I’m looking for books on Buddhism as practiced in Japan, written in Japanese. I’d self-assess at around N2 level, so ideally I’m looking for something concise that’s not an extremely difficult read–maybe the type of thing that’s targeted at Japanese teenagers or something . That said, I know how to use a dictionary, so if people have recommendations for more advanced/difficult texts, I would be interested to hear about those as well. I’m mostly interested in books, but I would also be open to recommendations for other media on the topic as well (such as podcasts, etc.).

Some of my biggest motivations is developing a better understanding of Buddhist vocabulary that appears in somewhat common day-to-day usage (things like 餓鬼 and 四苦八苦, for instance) and also to better understand how certainly ceremonies (such as funerals) are typically conducted and the language associated with them.

Thanks in advance!

1 comment
  1. No particular recommendations, but googling 仏教 入門 おすすめ will bring up lots of hits. I’d start looking there.

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