Study abroad in Tokyo or Kyoto?

This summer I’m planning on going to Japan for 8 weeks and work a full time internship. The programs I’m interested offer either locations in Tokyo or Kyoto, and I’m totally stuck between the two.

I want to experience a busy city culture/nightlife, but I know Tokyo is where everyone usually wants to go, and Kyoto also seems really really beautiful. I’ve heard it’s also cheaper. My original idea was to go with Tokyo and then spend a weekend up in Kyoto, but I’ve heard the train commute can be expensive.

I also have a feeling I’ll be back in Japan, and if I do end up working there, chances are it’s going to be in Tokyo. Should I enjoy living in Kyoto temporarily then? I really can’t decide!!!

1 comment
  1. >I’ve heard the train commute can be expensive.

    On the shinkansen it’s around JPY14,000 each way. Definitely not something you’d want to do often but its not that cost prohibitive.

    If you don’t mind taking longer to get there you can do a bus for around JPY4400 each way. The night bus would leave shortly before 9pm and get you to Kyoto shortly before 6am.

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